About Me

As you have probably learned, I'm Tanner Gathof.

I’ll help you out. It’s pronounced “Gatt-off.”

About Me

As you have probably learned, I'm Tanner Gathof.

I’ll help you out. It’s pronounced “Gatt-off.”

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I grew up in a small town called Hueytown, Alabama. Ever heard of it? Didn’t think so. Hueytown is the kind of town where you will always see at least 4 people you know anytime you go to the local Walmart. After 25 years of living in Alabama, I moved with my husband and our 2 year old labradoodle to Charlotte, NC. I love the big city of Charlotte, but I truly believe that you can take the girl out of Alabama, but you can never take the Alabama out of the girl. You can catch me screaming “Roll Tide” every Saturday during the Fall. 

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Softball has taught me many lessons and has given me more than any experience ever could. I picked up my first softball at the age of 4. Since then, I played on many teams, with many different coaches,  in tournaments all over the US, and had the privilege of finishing my career by playing in college at Shelton State in Tuscaloosa, AL. Being a college athlete helped my develop skills that will be valuable throughout my professional career. Skills such as time management, discipline, ability to work well with a team, competitiveness, and commitment. The ability to be flexible, coachable, and always striving to be better than you were the day before. Softball showed me why a great leadership and teamwork are the keys to success.  

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I have loved to design and create ever since I was a little girl creating birthday cards and canvases for friends and family. I became a 2nd grade teacher after college, and spent most of my time as a teacher designing assignments, flyers, posters, and social media posts for my school and classroom. Although I have a passion for teaching and children, the creative piece was always my favorite part of the job. I knew it was time to start chasing my dreams and passions. That is how I got here today, working towards earning my masters degree in Integrated Marketing Communications. During my free time, I have my Ipad in hand, creating something for somebody. 
